Why Take a 2020 Gap Year
Episode 15: Being called to action: How crisis can lead to purposeful work
Episode 14: Who should NOT take a Gap Year
Episode 13: Gaining experience and clarity through a gap year with Max Brauch
Episode 12: Values-based Post-Secondary Decision Making in Uncertain Times
Why watching your kid lose grade 12 stinks and five things you can do to make it a bit better
Episode 10: Covid-19 and Mental Health: Feeling Creative, Capable and Connected with Zippy Doiron
Episode Nine: How to Ikigai - Time Tamashiro’s guide to finding purpose on a gap year
Episode Eight: James McCann’s high school gap year college pathway
Episode Seven: Planning a Travel-Free Gap Year
Episode Six: How to Salvage your Gap Year During COVID-19
Episode Five: Who should take a gap year and why? Jane’s perspective as a Formal Guidance Counselor
Episode Four: Is your kid ready for post-secondary?
Episode Three: Lynn’s Story: Parenting a Gapper - Pre, During, and Post Gap Year
Episode One: Welcome to the Gap Year Podcast!
Episode Two: Life Lessons about University Deferrals, Age and Traveling, According to Grace