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If you’re not ready to continue your studies right away, this is your permission to take a break.

Gain control of what's next by slowing down and making the right decisions for you and your future.

Does it feel like everyone you know is looking at university and college pamphlets, attending fairs, and pinpointing exactly which post-secondary program they want to apply to? 


You want to be part of the excitement and feel included, but you just don’t feel ready. 


More school? Overwhelming!


Picking a program you’re not super excited about? Ugh! What a waste of time and money.


Burnt out? Of course you can’t be your best self when you’re overworked.


Have to rely on student loans? AH! The debt!


And many other students just like you feel the same way, and wonder how to lead a gap year when there is still so much stigma and judgment around not going directly into your post-secondary education.​

  • "I fear being judged for taking this gap year. Some people around me don't understand why I need this break, and it's unsettling."

  • "The biggest fear for me is feeling isolated or lonely when I'm out there trying new experiences. It's a bit nerve-wracking to think about."

  • "I'm worried that this gap year might make me feel directionless. What if I don't figure out what I want to do after this year?"

  • My mental health is really struggling and I don’t know how to talk to my parents about it. How do I get them to understand why a gap year makes sense for me?”


So, if you resonate with any of the above statements, you are in a safe space to access what you need to start carving your post-secondary path - and it can look as unique as you need it to be.

First, let’s get clear on where you're at
in this post-secondary journey...

Looking for a program to make the most of your gap time?
Here’s what other gappers like you are experiencing:

You’re burnt out, overwhelmed, and can’t even fathom having to do another exam or pull another all nighter doing homework.
You have done really well in high school, but now it’s time to slow down, take inventory of your thoughts, feelings, interests and values, and discover opportunities to figure out who you are outside of a classroom.

Sound like you?

The imposter syndrome is real and you’re wondering how the heck to make a difference when it feels like the world is crumbling on top of you.
You know there is work to be done in your local community to lead real change, but you don’t have the experience, the budget, or the community to get started (and again, that pesky doubt keeps creeping in!).
Sound like you?

You’re excited about a gap year, but you also have no idea how you’re going to spend your time.
And to top it off, you’re built differently. Maybe you’re living with ADHD or autism and feel left out and isolated from programming and opportunities available for gap year students.
Sound like you?


Hmm…not totally seeing yourself reflected here?

Let’s address some of the questions you have about your gap year and make sure we can get you connected to the programs, opportunities, and resources you need to thrive.

Teenager on Laptop

Feeling a little lost when it comes to all this post-secondary chatter?

Book a free 30-minute virtual chat with a gap year expert!

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